Friday, June 4, 2010

Lunch time

At home when your mom or dad is packing your lunch tell them to pack you healthy food because you need it to study.If you do not eat healthy food you will not get good grades and if you do eat healthy food you will get good grades.You should not eat candy, chocolate and chips because you will not get good grades.Bye and follow my blog.

Friday, May 28, 2010

End of the year

In the end of the year you have to try your best because it is the end of the year and you want to get good grades because it is the third therm and it is the end of the year,so that you can make your parent HAPPY!!!!! because your parents will be surprise that you did such a good work.
Bye Bye see u later.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Day in Class

It is the first Day of school and you meet new friends and a new teacher and you will have FUN
you do not need to be scared because you will meet them after a week or two then you will be friends with some people.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yo,It is time to start working because it is all most the end of the year are you going to miss you teacher?You should miss your teacher because your teacher because she or he teach you every thing you need to know.I would miss my teacher.Bye Bye read my blog later.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Kid in Class

If you are a new kid in class you do not need to be scared because they will help you on your work and they are your friends so you do not need to worry,but you have to get to work because you are new to the class and you new to theclass and you need to start working.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hard Work

If you try to get good grades you would that means that you are trying to get good grades and you want your mom and dad to be very proud of you.Your teacher will be proud to give A+ A and A-.If you try you will get a A+ A or a A-.I hope you read this to get good grades.Bye Bye see you later.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hi,I am back.If you go on vaction and you came back on a day and your class is adout to do a test and you did not study with your class how would you past the test?I know a way to past the test first you study hard on your home-work if you have home-work then when it is test time then try your best on the test and remember to try YOUR BEST.See you later people.